ecstasy is chemically synthesized from a chemical derived from sassafras called safrole it is then broken into various carbon chains and then altered to give desired effect, also to cut and process to powder form and press into pills
yellow extasy
he was arrested for having extasy. which is in pill form.
They dont really expire. they get damaged. by water or out side contaminates.
yes. there is a massive amount of prints that can be found on an E pill.
you just answered your question dude you need to chill and listen to what your saying
Extasy Records was created in 1986-04.
Zazen Extasy was created on 2000-07-30.
that's not a good idea. extasy is a street drug. made with anything the "maker" wants to put in it. including house hold chemicals. people have died from that. don't be another statisic. think smart.
A felony!!!
The cast of Extasy - 1995 includes: Tonio Descanvelle Armelle Stepien
You can take extasy as many times as you want, however, it is not smart to take extasy for continuous days in a row. Extasy drains your real seritonin, you need to take a rest and let your body return back to "somewhat normal" before you plunge into your roll again.