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they aren't made, they're grown.

the differant strains come from crossbreeding different species, natural selection and general mutations.

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Q: How are different strains of marijuana made?
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What marijuana strains are used to ease pain?

medicalany Indicica Species.

Is marijuana a good painkiller?

In a way, depending on the strain. Some strains numb pain, whereas other strains can make it feel stronger.

Is there a marijuana without THC?

Yes, there are strains of marijuana that have been bred to contain very low levels of THC, or even no THC at all. These strains are often referred to as hemp or CBD-dominant strains. They are cultivated for their high levels of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound that has potential therapeutic benefits without the intoxicating effects of THC. These strains are commonly used for medicinal purposes and are legal in many places where marijuana is not.

Is marijuana a sedative and a hallucinogen?

Marijuana is not hallucinogenic and only uneducated or unexperienced people think it is. Sativa strains have distinct stimulant effects while indica strains are commonly sedative, or depressant.

Is kilo a type of marijuana?

A kilo is a unit of measure, not a drug.

What is the illegal drug Loud?

Loud is a nickname for the most potent strains of marijuana known as hydroponics

Is marijuana a depressant stimulant or hallucinogen?

Marijuana is a hallucinogenic (helps one hallucinate) and is a depressant that hampers the short term memory as does againg. Depending on the strain, marijuana is psychotropic drug. Sativa strains are stimulants, while Indica strains, because of having CB, another psychoactive cannabinoid which has a sedative effect, are depressants.

How does pain help?

Marijuana has two categories. They are Indica strains or Sativa strains. Indica does help with pain especially in conjuction with prescription opiates. It gives the mellow relaxed high. Sativa strains give more of an energy high.

How many strains of enteroviruses are there?

There are close to 70 different strains of enteroviruses