The Germans took all kinds off guns from ships and defeated enemy to man the coastal defences, the 16 inch guns in some of them came from WW1 battleships.
The Battleship Bismarck was launched in 1939. It had 12 anti-aircaft guns, 8 15 inch SK/C guns, 2 super firing turrets, 12 L/55 guns, 16 L/83 guns, and a catapult.
Depends on whether you use the weight of the projectile, or the range it can be fired. During WW I and WW II, the German Army built railroad guns that could fire a shell VERY long ranges- measured in miles. The largest guns in use today MAY be the US Navy 16 inch guns used on battleship- they fire a shell 16 inches WIDE- the shell weighs as much as 2,700 pounds, and has a range of 41,662 yards (about 39 kilometers). There have been other experimental guns under project HARP that were intended to fire a shell into earth orbit- but their status is uncertain. See the link below for information on the Navy 16 inch guns. Of course, these are NOT hand held firearms.
1. Battleship USS New Jersey, 16" guns 2. US Navy heavy cruisers armed with 8" guns 3. US Navy light cruisers armed with 6" guns 4. US Navy destroyers armed with 5" guns 5. US Artillery: 175mm self propelled guns 6. US Artillery: 155mm self propelled guns 7. US Artillery: M56 SPAT 90mm self propelled anti-tank gun 8. US Artillery: M42 Duster; twin 40mm pom-pom guns 9. US Artillery: 8" inch guns 10. US Artillery: split trail 105mm and 155mm field guns (towed pieces) 11. USMC: M50 Ontos (six 106mm recoilless rifles)
WWI battlewagons averaged 12 to 14 inch guns and were slower moving warships. WWII battlewagons averaged 16 to 18 inch guns/had radar gun control and were faster.
The standard hot glue stick size used in most glue guns is 7/16 inch in diameter and 4 inches in length.
there are 16 in an inch. 16/16 = a whole.
your gun was made by Savage Stevens eary 50s 16 gauge guns with 36 inch barrels are not common . Its worth about 125 bucks
Battleships have been taken out of service because the Navy thinks they cost too much to operate and are too big, old and clumsy for being in service. A lot of people don't get why the Navy would take battleships out of service. Over the years, they have been upgraded and are now equipped with weapons such as missiles. It was proven in 1991 that battleships still play a role in the Navy. Their 16-inch guns hammered Baghdad and other cities. They are also very powerful and would be able to take a lot of damage.
The difference between 9/16 inch and 1/2 inch is 1/16 inch.
No, 17 inch rims can not fit on 16 inch wheels.
no only 16 inch tires fit 16 inch rims