

Best Answer

STD is the acronym for sexually transmitted disease. Testing for STDs is generally quite accurate - the tests have a high sensitivity and specificity.

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Q: How accurate are STD tests?
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I believe they are fairly accurate, but probably not 99.9%. I've gotten false positives on urine tests before, but they're usually pretty accurate.

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How do you do STD test on man?

Your physician will advise the tests for you. The pathologist will take your blood and urine for the testing.

Is STD testing an accurate way to check for diseases?

STD testing may not be accurate if the infection is not present and this will depend on the disease. Some diseases have no symptoms and some individuals may be just carriers of the disease, leaving one with the impression that they are sick.

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How accurate is the new Confirm Clearly HPT?

Most pregnancy tests are 99.9% accurate. It will say on the box or leaflet how accurate it is hun.

Can you find out if you pregnant in a week?

No. Blood tests can be considered accurate around 10 days after ovulation and home pregnancy tests can be considered accurate around 14 days after ovulation.

How accurate are Clearblue Easy Pregnancy Tests?

They are over 99% accurate when used on or after the day of your expected period.

How can you get a bad urine test but hair test is clean?

Urine tests are more accurate than hair tests.

Are the psychic tests online accurate?

Normally online tests are accurate, but in order to test your psychic ability you should look elsewhere. Online psychic tests aren't going to have the accuracy you need and you should go see a professional to test your abilities.