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We like muscles! And six packs! But also if you smell good, shave your face, and taste good (Kissing)! We usually like guy's who are taller too.

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11mo ago

It is important to respect boundaries and communicate openly with the girl to understand her needs and desires. Building a strong emotional connection and showing genuine interest in her will likely be more effective than solely focusing on physical attraction. Being kind, considerate, and treating her with respect are key components of fostering a healthy and meaningful relationship.

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12y ago

Touch her, flirt;)

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Q: How a boy a attracts a girl sexually?
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What attracts a boy to a girl and a girl to a boy?

Guys like boobs. Girls like good attitude, hygine, ect....

What all physically attracts a girl?

If the boy is charming, good looking, educated this all attracts girls to boys.

What body part of a girl attracts a boy?

Yes that's why woman have it

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the boy

What is the puberty?

Puberty is a phase in a boy's/girl's life when he/she matures into an adult. The body grows and the boy/girl becomes sexually mature.

Can a boy be in love with a girl and sexually attracted to another girl?

Depends if you're boyfriend is a hussy or not!

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Same way any girl attracts any boy. Scorpions need trust and honesty. Be truthful to him and direct.

What does it mean when a boy wants a girl to come?

It they mean that sexually, the boy wants to give the girl an orgasm. Otherwise, he just wants her to visit him.

Does a boy have to be sexually attracted to a girl to like them?

no they can like them because of there inner self not just there body.

Can a 9 year old boy get a girl pregeant?

It depends if she has her period, and if he is sexually mature enough.

Who matured first girl or boy?

Girls mature well before boys on average, Both sexually and psychologically. Boy of course

How do you sexually attract a women?

Since I'm a girl myself, i can tell you. what attracts me is when boys help me or when they ask me out on a date. That you already know. Give girls flowers.