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In most cases you should see a doctor because it helps more with their help.I for one haven't had this problem but you should remove the plug (duh) and clean the infected area for starters.Also be careful with what you clean it with because it is a sensitive area but the best thing to do is to have a doctor look at it.I have them look and check mine when I go for check ups just to make sure everything is fine. It helps ^_^

~ Just a note, doctors will probably give you antibiotics which will help a ton!

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Q: How Do you Heal your Infected gauges?
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How long do you wait until you can take out the 12g gauges you currently have?

Gauges can take anywhere from four days to two weeks to heal. It is best to wait about one week until you change or go up a size in gauges, so that they can continue to heal properly and avoid infections.

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No, it will never ever ever heal. sorry about your pig.

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no. It will get infected and faeces will leak into your body.

Can you wear gauges right after you peirce your ears?

They aren't gauges. They're plugs. And no, you have to wait about 2-3 months until your ears heal or you will really mess them up.

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Heal function tries to remove the virus from the infected file. If the file is really infected so it may work or not (because it is difficult or it is not really infected), but if it is not then it will not work. If AVG manages to remove the virus, the file is free and not infected anymore, if not then you should move it to the vault or delete it.

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wash it off then neosporin then band aid

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There could be many reasons that a scab on your scalp will not heal. It could be very infected for example.

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You can't really 'heal' it per-say. You will just have to wait. If it is more of a superficial cut though, you can put foundation on it.

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Yes and it has a higher chance of becoming infected.

Why does my ear blood when I'm wearing gauges?

They aren't gauges. They're either plugs or tunnels. They're probably bleeding because you stretched too fast and they're torn. Downsize 1-2 sizes and let them heal.