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The iPod Touch does not have the actual Wi-Fi -- it just has the receiver for the Wi-Fi router. Either way, you cannot hack the iPod Touch's Wi-Fi receiver.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Im Sorry sweetheart... But you can't unless u ask them for the password. So its not hacking.

~Angel Sweetheart

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Q: How Can you hack into a Ipod touchs WiFi?
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Yes, you can jailbreak an iPod Touch with iOS 3.1.3, a quick google search will pull up many different methods in doing so. Firmware is the operating system, which for an iDevice is called iOS. You cannot hack WiFi and even if you could, that is a highly illegal activity. Jailbreaking is for bypassing normal Apple Restrictions to mod out your device using third party apps, extensions, themes, fonts and much more.

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$199.99 at

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$223.72 with tax.

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