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ten year olds really jut need to focus on eating right and not hot cheetohs and junk!you ten year old's need to stay active and make the right choices!

although i agree with this when i was ten i was focused on everyone around me if they were prettier,but it was great when my mom would secretly sneak healthier foods under my nose instead of the fats. for example she would buy apples, bananas , ect. also she would buy chips and stuff that i luved and were healthy like sun chips, water and flavoring only 10 calleries, and stir fries with fish. also we would walk down our road wich was about an half mile long. it was great we still do all of these things but we added crunches and sit ups after a long day and we did not feel like walking. then about a death survival round of jumping jacks who ever jumps the jack the longest wins. if u get tired and quit u lose. the other player gets to choose what is for dinner like fish for omega 3 or steak for protene this realy fun

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You can go to LossUp, Australia's largest teenager's weight loss organisation. If you live in America, go to AfternoonExercise, an organization for 10 year olds to 30 year olds weight loss. Good luck!

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Around 70 to 80 pounds or so.

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It depends on how strong you are. It is best to keep it at about 20kg for 10 year olds, 60kg for 16+ year olds.

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I don't really know but I'm 10 I'm 4'6 and I weigh about 70 pounds

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I don't really know but I'm 10 I'm 4'6 and I weigh about 70 pounds

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10 year old???? um.... IDK but he is I don't think he likes 10 yeard olds

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habbo is for 8 year olds and is about to be banned. HABBO IS NOT FOR 8 YEAR OLDS ITS FOR 13+ BUT THE MAYBE CHANGE FOR 10+.