Outdoor Games For Young Kids : Amazon has this cool outside game for children - nannuballoons.com
It is an indoor game, but can play outdoor when there is no any strong wind.
It is an indoor game, but can play outdoor when there is no any strong wind.
Swimming is primarily an outdoor activity, but can be an indoor activity with an indoor swimming pool.
swimming is an outsoor game
It became an outdoor game around the 1890's.
In general it is an indoor game although you can get larger outdoor versions for the garden. However, it is a game that was meant to be played indoors when it was first created.
indoor means we will play inside the house eg.carom,chess,table tennis etc outdoor means we will play outside eg.batbiten,hockey,basket ball etc
Basket ball, can be played both inside and outside.
Well, generally (whether you are talking about football or soccer), it is an outdoor game. Both have been played indoors as well though.