Personally I would contact Daisy directly. They offer a free service to tell you about your old Daisy.
See the link below.
A Daisy pistol model is a hand held gun like the model 15XT that shoots BB's
I can not find any information of a Daisy model 653. However Daisy did make a model 693 BB pistol. Is this the pistol you are referring to?
Your question is a little confusing. I know that Daisy made a 110 Air Force rocket command BB Rifle and models 747 Target pistol, model 777 Target pistol, a model 62 Target pistol and a model 118 Targeteer pistol. but I know of no 110 Target special pistol. However, I suggest you contact Daisy and ask them. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your old Daisy See the link below
NONE. Daisy never made a model 1600. Crosman made a powermatic model 1600. Is this the pistol you are referring to/
It was manufactured from 1979 to 1989
Your best answer should come from Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer questions about old Daisy airguns see the link below.
Try the link below.
They were made between 1963 to 1976
The model 77 Bullseye target pistol in good condition is worth around $35 to $45.
You may be asking about a Daisy Model 1700 (Copy of a Glock) It was dark Grey in color and made between 1991-1996
Model 177 Bullseye Target pistol They were made between 1957-1978
Which Model? anywhere from $40 to $120