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i reaaaaally need this help too, if you get or have gotten it, i would love a hint! sorry -me

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

use the given clues to find each missing word. from each word all but one of the letters are given, albeit, scrambled. then, take the letters you found, unscramble them, and voila! the answer

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Q: Help with Tim tang test level 29?
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Level 20 of the Tim Tang Test is titled 'Lol Brb.' The answer to this level is a reference to an emoticon in MSN Messenger, and is: moon.

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The answer is: 14

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think small

What is a Tim Tang test?

The Tim Tang test is riddles that test your logical thinking skills.

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the answer to "level11a" is 261957 the answer to "level11b" is mahjong

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