Your period
No it is not bad, as some ladies have a heavy period for one month and then a light one or they may have two heavy periods and then one light one also.
it can be light or heavy. everyone is different. it is perfectly fine. :)
yah what about it sometimes you have a heavy flow and sometimes you have a light flow
No. Some are heavy and some are light. Sounds normal.
No, nothing is wrong. Some periods are light and some heavy.
no it will be light pink and not much at a time
consult a doctor
There are two types of lances: heavy and light. heavy: 9 to 14 feet. light: 5 to 9 feet. Sometimes shorter.
Hello. No not that I know of it shouldn't affect how heavy or light your period flow is. But anything is possible as not every single period is the same. :-)
if you can't tell the difference, then it probably isn't heavy..heavy is when it's so much that it's all you feel and think about during the day and you feel as if you always need to change your tampon. or so that's what it is for me. i don't usually feel/think about my period when it's light.
i had my period for about 3 both heavy and light. my doctor said stress.