6 weeks of pregnancy
no, as long as it is increasing in numbers, you should be fine... According to the American Pregnancy Association, hCG levels taper off after 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.
I tested today at 1800 and I'm about three and a half weeks along.
Somewhere between weeks 12-14 the HCG levels begin to decline.
HCG levels normally start declining at 9 weeks or so. HCG peaks at around 100,000 and then decline to about 20,000 for the duration of pregnancy. A decline at 8 weeks could be normal.
I am afraid that a fall in HCG levels is not a good sign.
There is a wide range of Serum Beta hCG during the first month of pregnancy. If the egg is fertilized, blastocyst implants in the endometrium on day 21, and hCG levels are present. Beta hCG levels should double approximately every 2 days for the first four weeks of pregnancy.
No your hcg levels should have gone back down
First thing to do is not to stress because stress can make u miss ur period. At five weeks u can detect hcg, u can detect it on a home pregnancy test at 2 weeks. you can be pregnant and not test positive on urine tests because the hcg is not spilling in your urine the only way to find out for sure is a blood test!!! good luck!!
To manage hyperthyroidism during pregnancy you must have your HCG levels monitored during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy as hyperthyroidism can make these levels increase causing your vomiting to increease and weightloss to occur.
it depends how high were your hcg levels, i was about 5 weeks when i miscarried nd my hcg were at 880 now after 1 week my hcg gone down to 100 so it all depends..to get a positive your hcg levels should be higher then 4
According to the American Pregnancy Association it should be 7,650-229,00