I just bought a 1918 model (by serial number) in shootable condition, in 32 cal. I paid $225 if that helps....................
Police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1908.The police positive special with that number was made in 1910.
A Colt police positive .38/bankers special with that serial number was made in 1934. A Colt police positive special/detective special with that serial number was made in 1928.
A Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1930. A Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1928.
A Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1931 and a Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1928.
Depends on which Police positive with that serial number: Police positive special in 1919 Police positive .32 & target in 1922 Police positive .38 in 1928
what is the manufacture date of a .38 police positive special serial number b 81
About 1913 for a Colt police positive special with that serial number.
Don't know the value, but according to proofhouse.com a police positive special/detective special with that serial number was made in 1930 and a police positive .38/bankers special was made in 1939.
According to proofhouse.com, a Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1930 and a Colt police positive special was made in 1928. Take your choice.
Colt police positive special in 1909, Police positive .38 in 1908
About 1929. for a police positive special and 1935 for a police positive .38
Police positive special=1919, Police positive .32 & target-1920,or Police positive.38-1924