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Hello, I have used Encare. As we speak I am pregnant while using Encare. I would say, it doesn't work. I was NOT planning on having anymore children at this point in my life and now I am devastated. BECAREFUL!!

AnswerI used Encare and now I have an 18 month old son named Evan I cant walk by the encare in a store and not not say "thats how we got Evan from heavan" so no it doenst work it even says to pair up with condoms

Added: If you used Encare by itself, 22 out of 100 will end up pregnant. Even the packaging says best used with another type of Birth Control.

Answer: I have used encare off and on for years... I have just started again because I have to get off Pills (I've gained almost 50 lbs). You must read the directions carefully (it tells you you have to wait before you can have sex), and use a condom sometimes for extra protection. Also using Encare is better than not using anything at all!

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