no recorded death have occurred as a direct result of only marijuana consumption in the 5000 years that humans have know of the drug
Many people have died under the influence of Marijuana
marijuana is carcinogenic, so it can therefore lead to cancer which may kill you, I don't think anyone has ever died from smoking a joint once though!
There are no documented cases of an individual dying via marijuana overdose, therefore no amount of people "die a day" directly from cannabis consumption.
Zero. No death from marijuana has ever been reported.
No. Nobody has ever died from marijuana use of any kind.
Has anyone ever told you that Paxil and Marijuana prevent pregnancy?
it wasn't from marijuana alone, but yes. people have died from it. they have smoked it when they've had lung and heart problems already, and they ended up giving themselves a heart attack.
Nobody in the history of mankind has ever died of marijuana. Keep in mind, marijuana has been used by humans since long before the bible was written.
in the last 100 years of recorded medical history exactly 0 deaths have been caused by smoking marijuana. it can be tolerated 1000mg/kg. in other words, a 70 kg (154 lbs) person would have to consume 70g (2.5 oz). that would be consuming THC, the chemical that gets you high, not the actual bud. that amount is 5000 times more than needed to get high. so it is mathematically and physically nearly impossible to overdosed, much less die, from smoking cannabis
0% Arguably there has never been a death directly attached to marijuana use, and no proof that marijuana has ever killed anyone, caused cancer or killed brain cells.
yes i have