Mention this to your doctor when you next see him or her. It could just be the baby's foot or hand if it is not there all the time
Im 9 weeks and my stomach feels hard as a rock - least to me - down where the baby is and if I press in on my stomach with my figer tips in the right place I can feel the lump where my baby is.
I believe so. If you need food, so does a baby, and in the womb, that disgusting lump on your stomach does need it too. When you eat, some of it goes to that lump, and if you don't eat, you get so hungry and your stomach must growl louder than ever. plz send a vid of a pregnant stomach growling on youtube for me. -IQ
You can be pregnant if you have lump in your belly.
well just ask your boyfriend if he still has his tiny balls!!!!!!
maybe a yolk or trace of the umbilical cord.
He needs to be taken to be looked at by a qualified vet.
You may or may not be pregnant. You need to consult with your parent/s, guardian or your school guidance counselor and see about getting to a medical professional. Whether you are pregnant or not, there would seem to be a medical concern.
your bunny will growl at you try to bite will run away from you outside and wont let you pick her up and will honestly hate when you touch her stomach and keep felling her stomach carefully if the sides are round then she is and on top of her stomach is like a little lump
It really depends on the person and the build of their body I started to feel a change in my abdomen around 3 and 1/2 months pregnant theres really no definite answer for all people sorry I couldn't be of more help! Yes, if you are slim you will probably be able to feel it as a little hard lump at around 14 weeks.
improper digesting or eating to fast are majority cause of upper stomach lump continous symtom go visit your local clinic
NO! like really