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Well I had pretty much the same situation happen to me but my pregnancy was detected at 4 weeks they saw the sac but no fetus..My levels were pretty high but they were very concerned..They did tons of tests on me because after 6 weeks they saw the fetus but things didnt look right..They kept watching me. They eventually did several tests to check for downs, triploidis, and some others..Then at almost 7 months I lost him. He stopped growing and only weighed 8 ounces when he passed...I would definitely have them watch you VERY CLOSELY and pray...Good luck and I will pray. Please let me know how things turn out..

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Q: Had an ultrasound at 5 weeks with hCG level of 7000 and only a sac Dr said this is very concerning and is probably a blighted ovum because with 7k level you would see yoke and pole any hope?
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That sounds like what I experienced, it is called a blighted ovum and it means that the foetus never developed because (and this is how it was explained to me) there was a not so good cell and nature takes it course and doesn't allow any further development.

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If you are going to take an ultrasound because you are pregnant, then the answer is no. It usually depends on what type of ultrasound. Some of them, you can't even drink. But preferably, no, don't drink alcohol before an ultrasound.

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