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sometimes sometimes they treat them like shit…

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3y ago

They can't see them anymore so no

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Q: Guys in jail nice to their girlfriends?
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Because guys are busy trying to get with your sisters/girlfriends. Have a nice day.

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What do guys love to do with their girlfriends non sexual?

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Can guys have best friend guys and not be gay?

Of course. Some guys are closer to other guys than they are with their girlfriends and are not gay.

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To show the other guys that she's taken.

Guys leave their girlfriends because of what?

a better girl

Do guys doodle about their girlfriends?

It depends on what kind of boy he is.

How do iget girlfriends?

by being nice and yourself

Do girlfriends look at other guys?

Sometimes girlfriends may be atracted to other guys and may think about dating them, but if they really like the other guy they will break up with their boyfriend.

Is it true that guys do not miss and love their ex girlfriend that were together for eight years and is easy for them to move on and forget her?

No, it is not always true that guys don't miss their ex girlfriends. A percentage of guys actually do miss their girlfriends. It's not easy for some guys to get over their ex girlfriends anymore than an ex girlfriend trying to get over her ex boyfriend.