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Then they want to know what you are doing every second of the day and are jealous of everyting that you do. They also could be controling.

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Q: Guy being clingy
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What to do when a clingy guy likes you?

Answer If the guy is clingy then very probably he loves you to death, if you like or love the guy in question, cling back.

You are in love with this guy but he thinks your annoying and clingy what do you do?

try to be less annoying and clingy

How do you let a guy know you like them or want to date them without being to clingy or annoying?

Have a friend tell him.

How do you make a girl clingy?

you peace guy her

How do you know if a guy is clingy or becoming clingy?

You know if a guy is getting clingy by: ~Talks/Texts you all the time, everyday. ~Spends all of his free time with you. ~Gets jealous easily when you're talking to other guys or spending too much time with your friends. ~Starts getting really upset when he's not with you. ~Always thinks that you're going to break up with him. ~Trying to control your time. These are just some of the, lets say "symptoms," of a guy being clingy. There are many more, but I think that these should cover the basics.

Can a guy change his feelings for you?

yep if he thinks you are desperate and clingy

How do you live with a clingy boyfriend?

I wish I could answer that. I'm having the same problem. but trust me you need to break up with him i'm engaged to a clingy guy and trust me you don't need someone clingy.

If you've thought about this guy for 3 years but he probably doesn't think about you are you in love or just clingy?

Of course your not overacting or being clingy, but you should definitely tell him. Maybe he likes you too, but if he doesn't return the feeling, you know it's time to get a new crush...

If you are a guy who answers this question how clingy is too clingy for you when with girlfriend?

It can vary from guy to guy. But usually, to clingy is when a girl is always around, and never lets the guy leave to go do something else. And when the guy does go do something else, the girl always shows up or insists in coming with the guy.

Why does a guy flirt with you when his friends are not around but then ignore you when they are?

he needz some guy time.... r u alwayz clingy?

You're dating this guy for 3 months. You like him a lot but he's clingy. You see this guy who make you go excited when you bump him in the street. What should you do?

Well if you dont like clingy and you feel you like the other guy more then dump clingy and go out with the other dude... and you might think you cant do it, but just think 10 years from now u and clingy will be in a 1 room apartment with 7 cats and no children..! It's your desission not anyone else'z so follow your heart

What if you are into a guy more than he is to you?

Going to have to work on getting him to feel the same way as you, can start out with being a LITTLE clingy with him, hugging him more, kiss on the cheek etc., it wouldn't hurt.