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The original gunpowder (black powder) is a mix of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter.

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How was gun powder made?

gun powder is made of human poo and in ancent times they would blow up there poo

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You use the gun powder for the viking times. Jump up ALL the thingies made out of rocks you'll see an entrance blocked by rocks click on the and you will then use the gun powder. Hope I helped you

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If you mean Gun Powder, mostl likely the Chinese.

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What would one use a powder horn for?

A powder horn was used to hold gun powder for guns. The powder horn was made for a real animal horn and was good for storing gun powder because there was no worry for it to ignite.

What was 18th century gun powder made out of?

Black powder was made of a mixture of charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter (Potassium Nitrate)