Well, this is more of "On the bright side," but mainly because you learn to be incredibly responsible at a younger age than others, which may help you in college or future careers.
you wouldn't get a good job
the prevelence of teenage pregnancy in the caribbean
what are the cuases and effects of teenage pregnancy in ghana
Teenagers should not become pregnant.
Which of the following is true of teenage pregnancy and parenthhood
yes cuz there is a lot u can talk about
Teenage Pregnancy is wrong especially if the parent is younger than sixteen.
teenage pregnancy is a major contributer to poverty and low education attainment
It important, because she becomes a good example among tanagers.She suffers badly as a result of being pregnant.It increases the feeling of inferiority in herself esteem others learn from her mistakes.Honestly teenage pregnancy is horrible there is nothing special about pregnancy especially on teenage stage of life.
Unprotected sex, lack of sexual education, no access to contraceptives.