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Of course. There is no LAW about that.

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11y ago

yes,why not.

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Q: Girls and boys can play together?
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Is it illegal for girls and boys to play a compettive football match together?

No. And who says "match"?

Boys can only play drums not girls?

no; both girls and boys can play drums

Can you tell me about the boys who were dressed as girls in the play?

In the play, there were boys who dressed up as girls.

Why do boys play girls and girls play boys?

Sometime there are gay or then just like play the game

Are their many disagreements when boys and girls play sports together?

Yes, mainly because of prejudice that girls are better than boys or the opposite another reason is their pride

Can girls do anything boys can do?

yes girls can do things boys boys can do..... like for example, some boys play football. some girls play football and other sports do.

Who plays better in basketball girls or boys?

Boys. But Girls Can Play

Was basketball was introduced in many nation by the boys and girls club?

yes it was introduced by the boys and girls club because it is unisex game girls and boys can play it. eventhough it is mostly for boys ,girls can play it to.

Should girls play on boys sports teams?

it is not should girls can play but they can play

Where men and woman both allowed to play aboriganal musical instroments?

were boys and girls alowd to play aboriganal musical instromenrts together

Do teen girls like boys who play basebll I am a baseball player in high school?

Some teen girls like boys who play baseball, but not all teen girls like boys who play baseball.

Is cricket a sport for girls?

I guess girls can play but boys normaly play.