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Don't smoke, drink plenty of water, eat lots if fiber and lots of creatine. Creatine is very prominent in red meat but can also be bought as a capsule at your local grocery or vitamin store.

The above will help to metabolize the THC faster as well as help prevent any remaining THC from entering your urinary system.

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If your have an erection yes.

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Q: Get weed out of your system in 2 weeks?
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How long does it take to get weed out of your system if you drink water?

2 weeks

How long does four hits of weed take to get out of your system if you were clean prior?

2 weeks.

If you smoked weed 2weeks ago then one more time 14 days ago how long till im clean?

Well if u smoked weed 2 weeks ago and then again 14 days ago then that means you only smoked weed 2 weeks ago.........14 days in 2 weeks weed gets out of your system a month from the last time you smoked it

What is the length weed stays in your system?

two weeks

How long will weed stay in your system if you havent smoked in 2 months and you took 5 hits off a joint?

Doesn't matter how long since you last smoked. Weed stays in your system from 2 weeks to a month.

Can coke flush out weed in your system?

No, weed can be detected up to 3 weeks after you use and coke up to 3 days after.

How long does weed take to register in your system?

from the moment you smoke it. and it depends when it gets out of your system. for some people it takes about one month, but for others it could take 2 weeks.

If you smoked marijuana once a week for four weeks and took extascy twice in those four weeks how long will it take to get out of your system?

For weed it would take like 2 weeks for thiz i have no idea probably months

If you way 160 lbs am active and fit have'nt smoked weed for 2 weeks will weed be out of your system?

depends on how much you smoke....the only way to really know is to buy a home test and try it out..there pretty cheap

You were locked up for 3 weeks and the day you got out you smoked weed when will it be out of your system?

Thirty days.

Your boyfriend smoked 2 puffs of weed and he hasn't smoked in 2 months and how long will it stay in his system?

couple days... I saw in my Proby's office a chart that said light users get it out of their system in 2-9 days and heavy users 2-5 weeks.

If a baby is seven weeks of age how long does weed stay in their system?

why would a infant have weed in its system anyway u should b fixed dont b smokeing around kids period.