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The average length of human gestation is 280 days, or 40 weeks.

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Q: Gestation period how long is it in its mother's before being born?
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Which animal has the longest period of development inside the mothers body?

The Indian and African elephant each have long gestation periods. Elephants gestate for 23 to 24 months before being born.

How long is a Tasmanian devil's gestation period?

The gestation period of the Tasmanian devil is variously quoted as being about 18 - 21 days.

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cod doesnt have a gestation period, because it is an egg layer. Cod, being a type of fish is an external reproductive organism, therefore there isnt a gestation period for any kind of fish

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Yes; The average gestation period is 340 days, but a healthy gestation period can be as short as about 310 days, or as long as about 370. Much shorter than 310 days can lead to the foal being deformed or still born.

42 d is the gp of a f?

42 days is the gestation period of a ferret The gestation period is 38 to 44 days. The litter size is 2 to 17 with eight being the average.

How long is a wombats gestation period?

It depends on the species. Two marsupials share the shortest gestation period. The Virginian opossum and the yapok (an unusual, rare water opossum) have a gestation period period of 12-13 days. On the other end of the scale, tree kangaroos have the longest gestation period, being 39-45 days. Most other marsupials range between 21 and 33 days.

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When fetus completed human being?

After a period nine months in the mothers womb.

What is a huskies gestation period?

The Gestation Preiod is about the same for all dogs. 9 weeks is the average but a dog may whelp anywhere from 52-69 days after being bred

What is the rhinoceras gestation?

The rhinoceros is among the animals with the longest gestation period and can go up to 5 years, being the possible reason for their limited numbers. Barnabus Sanz

What is gestation and how long does it last?

Gestation is the scientific description of the process of caring a fetus within the uterus, more commonly called "being pregnant". The gestation period can last as short as a few days in marsupials and as long as two years in elephants.