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a small-build female

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Q: Generally who will absorb alcohol into the blood more quickly?
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Who will absorb alcohol into the blood more quickly?

a small-build female

Why does alcohol absorb very quickly by blood?

Alcohol (drinking alcohol) rapidly affects the cell membrane. It is soluble in fat and so rapidly passes into the cells causing effects.

Why does alcohol usually affect females quicker than males?

Alcohol affects women more quickly because they generally have a higher proportion of body fat compared to men. Because fat can't absorb alcohol, higher levels of it are concentrated in the blood. Females also have less dehydrogenase, a substance that breaks down alcohol before it can enter the blood. This means that women absorb nearly 30% more alcohol into their blood than do men who have the same height and weight who consume the same quantity of alcohol in the same time period. Females also tend to be shorter and lighter than men, which also concentrates alcohol in their blood more quickly.

Why does alcohol absorb very quickly by the blood?

Alcohol is a small, simple molecule that more easily passes from the digestive tract into the capillaries.

Why does body absorb more food when you drink a lot of alcohol?

drinking lots of alcohol destroys tissues and when this happens diffusion process is faster as substances don`t have to pass through many cells & so food molecules are quickly diffused into the blood

Can a blood alcohol test detect one shot?

Yes, but not right away, it takes time for you body to absorb the alcohol into your bloodstream.

Can the use of an alcohol pad alter blood test results?

No, the skin would not absorb enough alcohol to alter the test results.

Will rubbing hand sanitizer all the way up your arm several times raise your alcohol blood level?

No - the alcohol in hand sanitizer is very weak - just enough to make the fluid evaporate quickly after use. The alcohol would evaporate much quicker than your body could ever absorb it into your skin.

How does body fat affect alcohol absorption?

Body fat does not absorb alcohol so the fatter a person is, the greater the concentration of alcohol in the blood, other things being equal.

Why does alcohol absorb faster than food?

Alcohol is a liquid that is absorbed directly into the blood stream from the stomach. Food is absorbed through the intestines, but it must be broken down first. That is why alcohol is absorbed faster.

Why is alcohol so quick to find its way to the brain?

It gets into the brain quickly because the brain gets a rich blood supply and because alcohol is able to diffuse across the blood-brian barrier easily due to being not strongly polar.

Factors that can increase your blood alcohol concentration while drinking include?

Drinking quickly on an empty stomach.