wait until you have missed your period date and try a pregncey test if it still shows negative then wait a week if you still have had no period then take another test.if its still negative then go to a clinic and have them do a blood test to determine a more accurate answer.(so you want to only take a pregnacey test after your missed period date)if its negative wait a week and take another(if its still negative) then go to clinic to have a blood test done.
Gaining control of a missed shot is called a rebound. Rebounds are important on both offense and defense in order to gain, or maintain possession of the ball.
some sort of std such as siphilous in your stomach lining
You may be pregnant as you have missed your period. Take a test
movement during pregnancy can only be felt during the fifth or sixth month, you probably just have gases in your stomach!
Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period, or have missed a period already
No, stupid.
iam in the same situation, i mean 20 days of missed period but negative test.im dying to get pregnant, plz anyone tell me when should i test again to get positive results. I missed my periods fr first time.
u would not be sure what the topics about because you were not there and i am in negative .
No. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, missed period.
I will do the urine pregnancy test. If it is negative, reassurance and observation is the therapy.
do another one