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DCS : Distributed Control System

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Q: Full form of DCS in Instrumentation?
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How is applied electronics and instrumentation course different from instrumentation and control?

mainlyelectronics and instrumentation deals with the electronics based instruments and process controlling of those connected to a process e.g : plc dcs and scada but instrumentation and control are concerned with the control system and the process loop modelling e.g: power drives , linear and non linear control system

What is the full from of psi?

The full form of psi is pounds per square inch. It is a unit of pressure commonly used in the United States to measure the pressure of gases or liquids.

What is the prognosis for DCS sufferers?

DCS sufferers who undergo chamber treatment within a few hours of symptom onset usually enjoy a full recovery. If treatment is delayed the consequences are less predictable,

Which is better scada or dcs?

dcs is better

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What are the 7 stages of the dcs process

What is the reason for DCS?

If the diver surfaces too quickly, however, potentially dangerous nitrogen bubbles can form in the tissues and cause DCS. These bubbles can compress nerves, obstruct arteries, veins,

What company created DCS?

DCS Copy Protection

What is DCS Europe's population?

The population of DCS Europe is 235.

When was DCS Europe created?

DCS Europe was created in 1994.

What is the basic difference between DCS and PLC?

DCS is advanced version of PLC and DCS works in real time frame while PLC not. There is no monitoring devices in PLC like DCS.

Does Every domain controller in a domain have a complete copy of that domains partition in its Active Directory?

yes all the DCs have full information about different partions except for application partion The dcs which have application partition activated can get additional updates for it.

Places where instrumentation is used?

Ride through your local town and look for smoke or steam rising into the air. These places use instrumentation. Every liquid you consume was manufactured or bottled in a facility using instrumentation. Every time you sneeze, use a napkin or wipe your butt, you are using a product manufactured using Instrumentation. Basically instrumentation is used in all manufacturing facilities in some form.