The word "frivolous" is an adjective. An example of a sentence using the word would be: She was unable to afford the maintenance such a frivolous lifestyle.
without care: silly.
I'm expecting a refund.
The painter used a palette to mix his paint on.
Preclude is a word used to describe something from happening. A good sentence would be, she was so good at lying that she was able to preclude her parents from knowing who broke the lamp.
You can stop buying frivolous thing. Don't use your credit card. PAY OFF ALL OF YOUR STUFF. Don't get behind on bills. And sober up a little bit
He was depressed and considered his position in society frivolous. This is the sentence which shows its meaning.
She was very frivolous when it came to spending her money.
My father thought my sneaker collection was very frivolous.
When it comes to homework she was very frivolous.
Frivolous means silly, foolish, lighthearted: We write lots of little messages to each other, many very frivolous, others more serious.
"The lawsuit was dismissed because the judge declared it to be frivolous." "Most of the blogs on the internet are a frivolous waste of resources." "His frivolous remarks did not fit the solemnity of the occasion." "Spending money on comic books seemed frivolous to Simone, who has no money for food." "Spending money on comic books would seem frivolous to someone who has no money for food."
Spending money on comic books seems frivolous to someone who has no money for food.His frivolous lifestyle did not please his conservative family.That kid was very frivolous when he was bungee jumping.Julie was passionate and serious about collecting stuffed animals, but her friends thought it was a frivolous activity.
The frivolous amnetities on the plane were stripped down- such as seats, food, and bathrooms. ;)Stop using the internet so frivolously, get up off your bum and look it up in a real dictionary!
What a frivolous question. Honestly: Many people think frivolous thoughts. "This is such a frivolous idea!"
The same as in the US, frivolous.
Frivolous is an adjective and therefore does not have a plural form.
Fables for the Frivolous was created in 1898.