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Tobacco containes many chemical substances.

The most commonly known are Nicotine and Tar.

Furthermore we have Formaline.

this of course in addition to Carbonmono and di-oxide (CO) and CO2

In fact if I were to mention all different chemicals that are concidered to be harmfull, then this list would be very long.

Scientists have isolated more than 1000 different substances in cigarettes.

Some even added by the cigarettecompanies in order to enhance the effect of the nicotine.

Nicotine is possibly the one main component that actually (according to research) is not harmfull to the body as such (In small amounts that is).

It might invoke addiction, but an addiction does not always impose danger.

Nicotine is not actually considered having cancerous properties.

It does however num the tiny hairs in our windpipe so that other particles from air and cigarettes have free access to our lungs.

Tar is a compound that is not readily absorbed or dealt with in our body.

Formaline is Ouch. I am sure you have read about butterfly collectors using it to kill off various butterflies, and smokers voluntarily breathe it in :-/

CO2. I just think of the fumes from a car exhaust pipe.


"Formaline" (Formaldehyde), besides being "ouch", is produced NATURALLY by the human body and is used as a food preservation. CO2, carbon dioxide, is exhaled by all animals, including human beings.

Apart from nicotine (and that's also found in potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers) and some of it's derivatives, all the 'nasty' chemicals present in tobacco smoke are in the food we eat, the water we drink and the 'fresh air' we breathe. Practically all the additives to tobacco are approved food additives.

"It's not the poison, it's the dose of the poison" is the first rule of toxicology. Tobacco smoke is mostly oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (over 90% for secondhand smoke). All are safe in some doses but are dangerous (and lethal) in others.

Listing the chemicals alone is totally meaningless without their concentrations and citing their uses at exponentially greater doses is deliberately misleading. Here's another totally meaningless and misleading statement example:

Cod liver oil contains vitamin D, one of the most widely used rat poisons in the world! This rat poison is also DELIBERATELY added to fortify some foods.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Discounting the paper and the filter tip, the remaining tobacco is probably mostly cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin and water - the same as any plant.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Cyanide, benzene, urea, formaldehyde

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βˆ™ 13y ago

LSD and dandruff

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