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You shouldn't. If the pregnancy is healthy, let labor come on its own.

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Q: Forty weeks pregnant how can you enduce labor?
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Related questions

If measured in weeks how long is a normal human gestation period?

38-40 weeks it differs. Some go till 42 weeks at that point they usually enduce labor

What is significant about being 40 weeks pregnant?

When one is forty weeks pregnant, the baby is basically done developing and is ready to be part of the world. The baby's internal organs should be working as well. One will experience increased pains due to pressure when one is forty weeks pregnant.

Is it dangerous catching cold at forty weeks pregnant?

Not particualrly. I'd talk to a doctor before taking any type of medication though. The baby should be about due at forty weeks!

Can a woman be pregnant past forty weeks?

yes they can go to 41 weeks and very rarely to 42 weeks but after 41 weeks there can be a danger to the baby as the placenta starts to stop working efficiently.

Can you have a miscarriage at 35 weeks pregnant?

Yes, there are babies who die this late. If you go into labor it's premature labor though and not miscarriage.

What if I am 50 percent effaced and 30 weeks pregnant can they stop labor?

Yes, they will give you a large dose of magnesium which works as a muscle relaxer to stop your labor, then they will give you a smaller continuous dose to prevent you from going back into labor. I was 30 weeks pregnant, 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and they were very successful in stopping my labor.

You are 38 weeks pregnant and having on and off contractions what can you do?

relax and let nature take its course,38 weeks is not to early to go into labor

What should i do i have pains after sex at 37 weeks pregnant?

If you are 37 weeks, you are full term, it could be labor, sometimes sex can bring on labor. If the pain is really bad go to the hospital. Hope this helps

You are 38 weeks pregnant with your fifth child how can you go in labor on your own?

Go for a walk or drive - it worked for me!

If I'm am 38 weeks pregnant and not dilating will you have your baby late?

A pregnancy is 40 weeks and no one knows when they will go into labor. It can happen fast or slow.

Can chamomile induce labor?

I heard it can i was wondering if it can im 38 weeks pregnant now and im about to try it out lol

You are 35 weeks pregnant and want to go into labor?

Talk to your doctor about the options. Maybe have it induced, but first talk to your doctor.