Someone stole my iPod Touch and I was just wondering if he can reset the passcode and use it for himself?
They can only access your data if he knows your passcode, if he doesn't know it he can't access your data, but he can plug it into a computer and restore it and make it usable for himself but all your data will be erased.
Plug it into your computer with itunes on it.
There is no password for the ipod touch internet. There is a password for the internets on the ipod touches the internets that require a password are 2WIRE212, Craig, and LittleOak.
you can only put a password on a iPod Touch only. (in the ipod family)
you can restore it in itunes
in settings
its a wifi or network password
its the router password
you can change the apple id password but the ipod's passcode no!
There is no master password. You must have the password set for that iPod.
Go restore your iPod Touch
Each router's Wi-Fi password is specific to the router, not to the iPod Touch. There is no universal code for routers, either.
You will have to plug the iPod into iTunes and then Restore it from there.