November 24, 2011
The approximate date of conception was May 3rd
March 18, 1946
If July 20th was calculated as your due date early in your pregnancy the date calculator works. However if your baby was born at term on July 20th and you are working backwards from that date you could be 2 wweks out either way.
Copy and paste this link into your address bar. You can calculate your conception date using the conception calculator on this webpage.
January 2nd 2011? Your rough conception date would be April 10th 2010, give or take a few days. However, it's difficult to accurately say when your conception date was. I suggest speaking to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician to get a better idea.
The approximate date of conception was October 1st 2008.
I think your doctor should be able to tell you that. But i would estimate Around march or april. Did your doc not tell you a round about about time you got pregnant? That is one of the first things my doctor told me!!! Based on your due date, you conceived on or around 4 May. I have provided you with a link that will answer all your questions in relation to conception dates, menstrual dates and due dates.
22 aug to 24 aug
approximately December 31st, if the woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days.
usually conception happens between 12-14 days after your last period began. so say your last period was June 1st then you would probably have conceived June 12 th to the 14th. a woman ovulates for approx. 24-36 hours. depending upon the regularity of your period, (how many days between cycles) some woman ovulate 12,14 or 16 days between each cycle.
Well, if she is due on June 24th, that would put the conception date somewhere around September 24th, give or take a few days. October 19th is a bit off, if the baby is due on June. Unless it's due at 8 months instead of the usual 9. You can ask the doctor that made that date determination on when he/she figures the conception was made. Of course the only way you can be sure is with a DNA test once the kid is born.