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I am not at all judgemental which enables people to feel as though they can talk to me about anything.

I give evrybody the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise,this shows people that im a fair and just person.

I tell the truth however good or bad it may be which enables people to be able to trust my word.

I always wear a smile,even when i may screaming inside, smiling is very infectious as is laughter,i have the ability to make people smile and laugh which then rebounds back onto me so that i end up smiling and laughing too.

I am very generous,i would much rather give than receive as i get a kick out of making others feel wanted and happy because they can see that some thought has been put into the item i give them,i never ever buy a greetings card,i design and create a card that is very personal for the recipient,cards that shout who the recipient is,i often bring tears to friends eyes when they open my cards as so much thought goes into creating a unique card just for them.

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Q: Five positive personality traits you possess and why you feel these are good qualities to?
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Type your answer here... i think john harrison possessed the traits that he waz determained, and self-educated

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