

Best Answer

Anything from a clean walk to federal time depending on the exact set of circumstances.

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Q: First time gun charge in ny?
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How much time you get for robbery with a air gun in ny state?

Just as much as if you use a real gun.

How old do you have to be to shoot a gun in up state NY?

Since you can post on the internet, do a search on NY gun laws.

Where was Millard fillmore married?

First time at home of the bride's brother in Moravia, NY. Second time at Albany, NY.

Is it legal to own a paint ball gun in ny?

Yes it is perfectly legal to own a paintball gun in NY. Some of the best teams come from NY. NY also has over 40 fields.

When was the first time oil was discovered?

Cuba, NY in 1627

Can you get a gun permit in NY if you are under age?


What age do you have to be to get a gun license in NY?

You will have to contact your local police. NY has a patchwork or laws.

Is forty dollars classified as a felony robbery?

In a charge of robbery it is not the amount of money that was stolen. It is the METHOD by which the robbery was accomplished. (Force & Violence - Knife - Gun - weapon of NY type - etc.)

Can you appeal a misdemeanor charge in NY?

A cconviction on any charge can be appealed AFTER the trial.

Can you carry a pellet gun pistol for protection in NY?

A pellet gun is not adequate for protection, and will get you arrested.

Who made Baker Gun Syracuse NY?

L.C. Smith

Is it legal in NY to shoot deer with pellet gun?

no. Why would you?