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Q: Field strip a spas 12 gauge shotgun?
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Is the Franchi SPAS-12 a shotgun?

Yes it is.

Is the SPAS-12 shotgun legal in Michigan?

Yes you can own a spas 12 in the state of michigan

Should you get a mini electric bb gun or a powerful spas 12 shotgun?

you should get the spas 12

How much is a SPAS-15 shotgun?

$8500 USD

What shotgun has the longest range on modern warfare 2?

The Spas-12 by a longshot.

What does a spas 12 cost?

Answer depends on what type of the 3 SPAS 12 Shotguns it is. SPAS-12 Fixed Stock Post 1990 Sporting Purpose Average $900-$1300 at Auction. SPAS-12L and SPAS-12 Made Prior to the 1990 Importation Ban Average $1300 Used to $2500 Unfired at Auction. The Shotgun Manufacturer Franchi had it's final retail price of this shotgun for sales Outside of the U.S.A in 2000 at $1500.00 Per Shotgun. Production ended in the year 2000 and only 5% of the Production made it into the U.S. before the Importation Ban.

Is it legal to own a spas-12 shotgun in Illinois?

Yes, but outside the Chicago City Limits.

Is the spas-12 automatic?

A Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun has both a pump-action and semi-automatic mode. Automatic in shotguns will generally reference semi-auto unless stated as fully automatic.

What does spas-12 stand for?

SPAS has 2 Different names to the acronym. Prior to 1990 the SPAS-12 Shotgun was called the Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun. When the USA banned the gun from importation due to its name in 1989 it was changed to Sporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun to continue the shotgun sales to the USA until the final ban of the shotgun with the 1994 Clinton Assault Weapons Ban. It is believed less than 1850 of these shotguns are grandfathered into the USA. The Sporting Purpose version was different as it had a limited Magazine Tube Extension and a non folding fixed stock when it was imported and is the less valuable model of the two for collectors.

What form of entertainment is the Las Vegas Strip in Monte Carlo famous for?

The Las Vegas strip located in Monte Carlo is famous for the form of entertainment such as bars, clubs, gambling casinos and also has hotels and spas.

Are franchi spas 12 illegal?

A Franchi Spas 5 shot semi auto needs a firearm certificate, (section one certificate) converted to a 3 shot only needs a shotgun certificate (section two certificate Franchi Spas are a great trouble free gun or try the Raptor gas operated Franchi

MGS2 how to get the shotgun?

While clearing teams in the Plant chapter of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty are often seen using the Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun, this weapon is unfortunately not obtainable by the player.