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Q: Feeling uncomfortable because you have done something wrong?
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Feeling uncomfortable because you have something wrong?


Another word for feeling uncomfortable because you have done something wrong?


Which word means feeling uncomfortable because you did something wrong?

Guilt (noun) or guilty (adjective)These words mean feeling uncomfortable or ashamed because of having done something wrong or because of having something to hide.(See Related links below)

What do you call yourself when your feeling uncomfortable because you have done something wrong?

You may feel guilty or remorseful when you have done something wrong. It's natural to experience these emotions as a way of acknowledging your mistake and hopefully learning from it.

Feeling uncomfortable because you have done somthing wrong a 7 letter word the second letter s?


A word meaning that you feel uncomfortable because you have done something wrong other than the word guilty?

Shame or ashamed.

What is wrong with me I get completely uncomfortable and short circuit if anyone even says I love you and I cant say it either without it feeling wrong?

Not the right girl

What is shame?

Shame is a feeling that you have done something wrong.

How do you know what is right?

You now what is right because you have been shown what is right and what is wrong, also you have a gut feeling like when you have done something wrong you feel guilty and when you do something right you feel good about yourself. The law plays a big part in what you think is wrong and right as if you do something wrong then you are punished.

What is it called when you have a bad feeling after doing something wrong?

That feeling is often referred to as guilt. It is an emotional response to recognizing that you have done something wrong or hurtful to others, leading to a sense of remorse or regret.

What are the signs when your gut is telling you something?

The signs of a gut feeling telling you something is: * An uncomfortable feeling * Feeling of danger * Feeling of doom * You know somethings wrong, but you can't quite put your finger on it. * A great feeling over whelms you that your mate is cheating on you. Generally speaking, when your 'gut feeling' says something is up it usually is so pay attention. This is more of a survival mode a human goes into. Be careful, weigh the situation well when it comes to relationships because you could be second-guessing. Confronting the person is a better way to handle things. If you were out on a first date and the guy was coming onto you or wanted to go to another out of the way place and your gut feeling is telling you no, then don't go! Your gut instincts are generally right.

To make a person feel very ashamed or foolish?

If they did something wrong, pressuring them can make them feel uncomfortable