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It won't do her any good.

It won't end well.

As in " fat lot of good it will do her ! My husband wouldn't leave me for her! "

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What if im fat?

Being fat is OK. I am a big beautiful woman and size to me is just a number! There are a lot of fat people in the world, especially in USA, CA&UK. And there are a lot of fat admirers. Like BBW admirers, BHM admirers. BBW means big beautiful woman, BHM means big handsome man. I meet a lot of good fat friends on and am hooking up with a nice guy!!! Be confident, love yourself and you will be loved! That's my words! Being fat is OK. I am a big beautiful woman and size to me is just a number! There are a lot of fat people in the world, especially in USA, CA&UK. And there are a lot of fat admirers. Like BBW admirers, BHM admirers. BBW means big beautiful woman, BHM means big handsome man. I meet a lot of good fat friends on and am hooking up with a nice guy!!! Be confident, love yourself and you will be loved! That's my words!

What exactly is an ulcer and how can it help me?

The ulcer diet is good because it means that you avoid hot and spicy foods. This is good for your ulcer, and makes eating not hurt as much, it also means a lot of dairy products.

What happens if you eat a lot of pudding?

You get fat, which is good.

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How does the amount of fat affect the amount of energy in the crisp?

The amount of fat can have a lot of fat on the crisps and when you have a lot of fat, it can make you fat by processing itself inside your body. However, some fats are good for you because it gives you energy so if you have a little fat then you have a little energy but don't eat a lot of fat because some people can get tired from eating a lot of fat so keep it at a minimum level.

Is 95 kg fat for man of 178.4 cm?

This depends on your Body Fat % and % Lean muscle mass. You could be 85kgs and still be "Fat". To be within the "acceptable BMI parameters" as set by the WHO is not a good guideline. A very dangerous situation is to be Skinny Fat - This means to look thin but have a lot of fat sitting around organs.

Do high fats cause breast cancer?

Not exactly but obesity increases the risk for cancer so in a way it increases the risk since eating a lot of fat makes you fat.

Why is fat a problem?

Because it means you eat a lot and sometimes you can get sick depending on what you eat.

Which nuts are fatness?

all of them have a lot of fat but its good for you. also roasted nuts have more fat than raw nuts.

Are nuts fats?

all of them have a lot of fat but its good for you. also roasted nuts have more fat than raw nuts.

If you dont eat then eat a lot will what you eat turn to fat?

Not always. Your body would turn more food into fat in means of survial, but most food and energy from food goes into the body to be used as energy and fuel for a person to function and to survive. Also, not eating a lot is damaging to a person's health and is not good for them.

What does a suunto t6d do exactly?

The Suunto T6D is electronic at home device to measure fat and water in a persons body. It is a easy way to find out if you are loosing fat or a lot of water weight and is inexpensive.