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You will have to define what you mean by fastest. Do you mean the fastest velocity of a bullet in flight, or how quickly it can fire a second or thrid shot? For the fastest velocity, probably a handgun such as the T/C Contender, firing a rifle type cartridge. For rapid fire, there are several machine pistols (fully automatic) that fire several hundred shots each minute. Of course, thre is the mini-gun used by Jesse Ventura in the movie Predator- it fires several THOUSAND shots per minute. But you won't find those at your local gun shop.

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Q: Fastest hand held gun
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M2 can be hand held, but, that is the exception. MP5 in 10mm is along the lines of what you might be asking about.

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They could be designed to, but they don't.

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A spring gun? It depends on how fast you can cock the gun. There is not a fastest gun.

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One of the largest, based on sheer mass and size is the aptly named "Pig"; or the M60. While not the largest "hand held" gun ever, it is among the largest hand-held, single person (not crew served) weapons that had been in common use. If your looking for length, the Lhati L-39 is the longest single-person weapon in use with a military that has the possibility of being hand-held.