

Facts about indentured servants

Updated: 9/28/2023
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What are synonyms of indentured servants?

a synonym for Indentured Servants

What did indentured servants received for their work?

Indentured servants receive FREEDOM

Did Jamestown use slaves or indentured servants?

They used indentured servants.

Did new England have indentured servants or slaves?

New England had indentured servants

These servants sold their labor for passage?

indentured. now finish your homework! >:(

How did indentured servants arrive in the new world?

how did indentured servants come to the new world

Colonists who agreed to work for another in return for passage to America were called?

Indentured servants, also known as bondsmen and bondswomen.

Who were the majority of English migrants to Chesapeake Bay?

the majority of the English migrants to chesapeake were indentured servants the majority of the English migrants to chesapeake were indentured servants

When did Virginia's Indentured Servants' Plot happen?

Virginia's Indentured Servants' Plot happened in 1661.

Where did indentured servants live?

depends where they were sent to, there were more indentured servants in the north versus the south

Why did indentured servants need their master's permission to marry?

The indentured servants were bought by their masters. The master saw them not as people, but as animals. The indentured servants could not do much without the permission of there masters.

Who did Virginia rely on its labor in its initial years as a colony?

In its initial years as a colony, Virginia had indentured servants. They relied on these indentured servants for most of the labor in the early years.