Request For Proposal (RFP) is a written list of features and specifications given to prospective vendors before a specific product or package has been selected, whereas Request For Quotation (RFQ) is used to obtain a price quotation or bid on a specific product of package.
While physical tags are also referred to as presentational mark-up, logical tags are useless for appearances. Physical tags are newer versions while logical tags are old and concentrate on content.
Transfer function.
For a physical Data Flow Diagram you explore into the logical DFD. for example, if you have a data flow arrow declared as "customer information" now the physical DFD would include in that data flow arrow "customer information = customer_name + customer_address". something along these lines Physical DFD shows how various functions are performed and who does them but Logical DFD strips away all physical constraints but does not restrict physical happenings from taking place.
Conceptual designs attempts to identify the highest level of relationships between entities. Conceptual designs include only important entities. Physical design helps in converting the logical design into the physical form.
In the 8086/8088 the physical address and logical address have the same importance, because they both relate to the address of the operand. It is true that the offset (logical) address is added to the segment address to determine the physical address, but the limitations of the architecture of the processor forces programmers to consider both.If you are talking about a virtual environment, however, such as in the 80286 or higher, then the logical address is more important than the physical address, because the logical address is the address of the operand, while the physical address is (somewhat) arbitrarily assigned by the operating system.
difference between physical and logical data flow diagrams.
explain the logical& physical memory
Q No. 3: (a) How MMU is used to address the physical and logical cache arrangement? Explain the difference between Least recently used and least frequently used replacement algorithm.
logical level
Physical schema,logical schema and sub schemas
Logical topologies consist of virtual connections between nodes.
While physical tags are also referred to as presentational mark-up, logical tags are useless for appearances. Physical tags are newer versions while logical tags are old and concentrate on content.
the logical data independence is hard to achieve because all the manipulation is belonging in logical data independence but in physical data independence only show the physical view .
construct validity
Transfer function.
In record design we distinguish between logical and physical records. LOGICAL RECORDS: A logical record maintains a logical relationship among all the data items in the records.It is the way the programmer or user sees the data.IN CONTRAST, A PHYSICAL RECORD is the way data are recorded on a storage medium.The programmer doesnt know about the physical map on the disk.The software presents the logical record in the required sequence.The capability is unique to the data base design. This question is answered by Silpa Sonali Sahoo.I request all the User if you can give some extra knoweldge/idea based on the discussed topic then you are most welcome.
The concept of a logical address space is simply involved the process of mapping the Logical addresses to their Physical Addresses . Logical addresses are generated by the CPU; also referred to as virtual addresses.while Physical Address is the actual address of the data stored on the physical device and mapped by MMU.