The definition of life-history patter is: an organism's pattern of reproduction; may be rapid or slow (short or long).
Short (rapid) life-history patterns are common among organisms from changeable environments. Rapid life-history organisms have a small body size, mature quickly, reproduce early, and have a short life span. Long (short) life-history patterns are large species that live in more stable environments that usually have slow life-history patterns. Elephants, bears, whales, humans, and plants, such as trees are long lived.
Short life history organisms tend to have fast growth rates, early reproduction, and high mortality rates, while long life history organisms have slower growth rates, delayed reproduction, and lower mortality rates. Short life history organisms typically produce many offspring with little parental care, while long life history organisms produce fewer offspring with more parental investment. These differences are influenced by factors such as environmental stability and predation pressure.
Yaks are known to take short naps throughout the day and may rest for longer periods during the night. They are flexible sleepers and will adjust their sleep patterns based on their circumstances and environment.
The cyclops sees Odysseus' men as a short-term resource which is to be consumed. The cyclops takes good care of his sheep, milking them daily, and letting them go out to pasture to graze.
Salamanders have long, slender bodies with short legs and a long tail. They have smooth, moist skin and typically range in size from a few inches to a foot long. Their bodies are usually dark in color and have distinct patterns or markings.
The death of many species in a short amount of time is known as a mass extinction event. These events can be caused by a variety of factors such as natural disasters, climate change, or human activities. Mass extinctions have occurred several times throughout Earth's history.
A Manx cat has a distinctive tailless or very short tail, compact body, round head, and large eyes. They can come in a variety of colors and patterns, and their hind legs are typically longer than their front legs.
Short history patterns of population growth typically exhibit fluctuations influenced by factors such as disease outbreaks, wars, and natural disasters. Long history patterns, on the other hand, show overall upward trends driven by advancements in healthcare, technology, and agriculture. Additionally, long history patterns may also reflect migration patterns and industrialization impacts on population growth over centuries.
Rapid life history organisms have small body size, mature rapidly, reproduce early, and have short life span. Short life history organisms reproduce and mature slowly, and are long lived.
Simply because... with a long credit history, a prospective lender can see how you have operated your credit facility over a considerable period. Nobody's credit history is perfect - everyone has at least 1 or 2 lapses on their record. Having just a short credit history doesn't show 'trends' or patterns of (perhaps) persistent late payments.
A short report can be written by sticking to the key points. Explain how you reached your conclusions. Then explain the results of what your reporting.
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History Lesson - short story - was created in 1949.
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Frederick Kaufman wrote "A Short History of the American Stomach".
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Please tell what country you want a short history of, in your question. This is a multi-national website.
Short - VERY short!!