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examples of carbohydrates

bread pasta potatoes corn

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9mo ago

Common examples of carbohydrates include sugars, starches, and fiber found in food such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Some specific examples of carbohydrates are glucose, sucrose (table sugar), fructose (found in fruits), and starch (found in potatoes and grains).

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Q: Example of carbohdrates
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What are the famous carbohdrates?

Dietry Fibre, Starch And Sugar ! ! !

What atoms make carbohdrates?

Carbon, oxygen & hydrogen

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Prubh has calcium, iron, protein, vitamins, fat, folate, fibre, carbohdrates and poo

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to determine the type of carbohydrate

What kind of carbohydrates are found in whole-grain bread cereal rice pasta vegetables dry beans and nuts?

simple or complex carbohdrates

What is the main purpose of carbohdrates?

Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy. Some of our cells (like our brain and red blood cells) can ONLY use carbohydrates for energy.

What makes you bigger?

The body mainly consist of protein so proteineceous diet will make u bigger but other form of food is also necessary like carbohdrates, fats etc.

How many carbohdrates does water have in it?

Thank goodness, water does not have any carbohydrates what so ever, and if you are trying to avoid eating cabs, meat, and cheese also have none carbs. So if you are avoiding carbs, go with meat, cheese, and water.

What are the three major nutrient classes aka macronutrients?

The 3 macro-nutrients are fat, carbohdrates, and protein. Alcohol is also a macro-nutrient.

How Many main types of organic compounds are there?

There are four main types of organic compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Each of these types plays a crucial role in the functioning of living organisms.

Can carbohdrates provide the body with short term bursts of engery?

The body uses carbohydrates by converting them into glucose as storage. The glucose is released as fuel for the body's cells to generate adrenaline-related energy bursts when needed. The access to this glucose and glycogen is dependent on how many carbohydrates are consumed.