EGP is a matter of English for No Obvious Purpose?
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general English is used as a universal language, and ESP is an English used in a specific purpose or in a specific fields.
By using general purpose software a user can fulfill his or her general needs By using special purpose software a user can fulfill his or her specific needs for which this special purpose software has been designed.
it is also an English language used by maritime industry and its content is specifically different from general English. It can be regarded as English for special purpose. For its specific content, IMO(International Maritime Organization) has published SMPC (Standard Marine Communication Phrase).Here are some example of its specific words;(heave to, haul in, bulwark, garboard strake, halyard, wharf, dead reckoning, and such archaisms as abeam, aloft, ashore, athwartships, bosun, hard-a-starboard)
the best method in teaching esp is to involves material aids during teaching
General English would be understood by almost any speaker of English, so if we refer to "the muscular wall between the left and right ventricles of the heart," we all know what that means. Medical professionals can use the shorter phrase "cardiac septum" and other medical professionals will understand what it means.
general English is used as a universal language, and ESP is an English used in a specific purpose or in a specific fields.
The general purpose is the overall intent of your speech. The specific purpose is a goal stated in a complete sentence. Overall, the general purpose and specific purpose are different because they both mean different things. The specific purpose is just really a goal stated in your sentence and the general purpose is just the purpose of your speech.GENERAL PURPOSE: purpose of your speech.SPECIFIC PURPOSE: the goal or the main idea in your speech.
This garbled question is.
No, a personal computer is an example of a general-purpose computer. The computer in a VCR is designed for the specific purpose of operating the VCR.
By using general purpose software a user can fulfill his or her general needs By using special purpose software a user can fulfill his or her specific needs for which this special purpose software has been designed.
Base on purposed, computers are either general purpose or special purpose. General purpose computers are meant for all manner of tasks while Special purpose computers are tailored for unique task.
classification of computer according to application 1.general purpose computer :- general purpose computer are use for specific economic purpose.for instance computer are used for accounting and payrolls.pc is the best example of g.p.c. 2.specific purpose computer :- specific purpose computer are designed to solve a specific problem. for instance specific purpose computer only numeric data or to completely control automated manufacturing process.
Yes, the general purpose of a speech is reflective of the broad objective. The general purpose outlines the overall goal or intent of the speech, while the specific purpose narrows this down to what the speaker hopes to achieve or convey to the audience.
A software is something that serves for a specific purpose. Software can be of two types Specific or general purpose. A general purpose software is one which is developed for people not for any particular firm. Example of general purpose software are adobe flash, microsoft word, microsoft office etc.
HL is a general purpose 16 bit register. It is also the address in memory of the M register.
In the most general sense, an action is something done in order to achieve a specific purpose.
its too general