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make sure a message conveys the right tone.


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Lvl 4
4y ago
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Lvl 4
4y ago

make sure a message conveys the right tone.


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Q: Emoticons are used to
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Related questions

How do you use emoticons on gmail for Kindle Fire?

Emoticons can be used the same way in Kindle. They are graphical images which can be used. These emoticons contain plenty of images of faces.

Why and where emoticons are used?

Emoticons are used in instant messaging programs like aim, yahoo messenger, etc. You can download them from programs such as

What are emoticons on deviantART?

Emoticons used on deviantART are most often full words surrounded on either side by colons. These are then interpreted as images. See related links for a full list of deviantART emoticons.

How do you spell emoticons?


Are there baseball team emoticons?

There are probably emoticons out there for baseball. Many websites provide different emoticons, I would suggest Googling emoticons.

Can emoticons be used in the application 'Skype'?

Yes one can use emoticons in the application Skype although some problems have been reported when using them with certain versions of iPad. There are a number of emoticons to show one's emotion or feeling.

What is a emoticons?

expressions used in chatting, ie :) describes happy

How long have Emoticons been used?

The use of emoticons can be traced back to the 19th century, and they were commonly used in casual and humorous writing. Digital forms of emoticons on the Internet were included in a proposal by Scott Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in a message on 19 September 1982

Are there any hidden Skype emoticons?

you can make your own emoticons

How can you see emoticons on your LG Optimus?

emoticons of the mobile himselve, and they are really ugly :(

How do you do all the Emoticons on Gmail?

Gmail contains a lot of emoticons too. You can use them while writing mails to someone. The emoticons can be obtained by clicking on the smiley,

Why wont your Gmail activate your penguin?

Gmail has various emoticons on it easily. You can add these emoticons while creating a mail. The smiley icon is the one that leads to these emoticons.