Egg cell begin in the ovaries, and then move through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.
Sperm duct and urethra.
Sperm cells need a tail to swim to the egg for fertilization, as they are motile cells. Egg cells, on the other hand, are non-motile and stationary within the female reproductive system, waiting to be fertilized. This is why sperm cells have evolved to have a tail for movement, while egg cells do not require this adaptation.
Blood cells travel to and from the pump called the heart by way of the blood vessels called the arteries and veins.
It takes up to 3 days for the sperm to get to the egg in the fallopian tube and fertilize it. And then it takes another week for the egg to travel down to the uterus and attach itself to the wall. And it's the sperm fertilizing the egg to create a Zygote, not the other way around..
the fallopian provides a way through which an egg released from the ovary can travel
go the same way you came down
Sperm are produced in the testicles and then stored in the epididymis until they are ready to be released. From the epididymis they travel down the vas deferens and are mixed with seminal fluid (produced by a number of glands) before finally entering the urethra (the same tube that urine is excreted through), the sperm are then ejaculated.Pretty sure its the vas defer-ensThe vas deferensvas deferens.Vas Deferens and Urethra
Up & down, there & back. Aircraft travel in all directions.
well in a way they all do (millions), that's what the sperms purpose is, its to go after the egg.
About 24 hours after which it will break up if it is not fertilized
Because most of them will die on the way to the ovum(egg).
By car