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During pregnancy when do you start to get stretch marks on your breast?

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Q: During pregnancy when do you start to get stretch marks on your breast?
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How do you get rid of stretch marks on breast?

Use cocoa butter formula massage cream for stretch marks. Its helps anything, even stretch marks during and after preganancy.

What can I do to prevent stretch marks during my second trimester of pregnancy?

To prevent stretch marks during your second trimester of pregnancy you could apply any type of stretch mark cream to your abdomen. You should talk to your gynecologist for advice on which cream would be appropriate for you. Also, to help the stretch marks disappear a little more be sure to apply the cream after your pregnancy.

Is it normal for a twelve year old girl to have stretch marks on her breast?

yes it is normal to have stretch marks on your breast that just means you are growing.

Where are some of the places that one can learn how to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy?

One can reduce and prevent pregnancy stretch marks by moisturising daily. One can also try to avoid gaining excess weight, besides the baby and the amniotic fluid as this will help reduce stretch marks.

Is there a natural solution to stop stretch marks during pregnancy?

Unfortunately it is currently impossible to prevent stretch marks. However a natural treatment which can minimize stretch marks during pregnancy is to take care of your diet. You can do this by avoiding over indulgence (which could cause excess stretching) and by ensuring your skin is kept hydrated (which would limit the impact of stretching).

Are stretch marks a sign of pregnancy?

Why not just do a pregnancy test? If you have gained weight then that could be why you are getting stretch marks. I got stretch marks on my stomach 8 years ago, but I have never had a child.

Can you get stretch maks on your breast?

Yes. If the pubertal growth spurt is too fast for the epidermis to adjust to the growing volume of cells, you get stretch marks. I guess the same concept would be applicable during pregnancy, but I've seen it first hand due to puberty.

Can a tattoo on the ribs get stretched out during pregnancy?

Not generally, using a good moisturizer daily will prevent the formation of stretch marks.

Can stretch marks be an early pregnancy symptom?

No your just fat

Why do you have stretch marks on your breast?

When you have stretch marks they are marks where the skin has pulled over the breast because your breast grew too fast for your skin. You can get rid of skin marks by loitions and other products. If your looking to get rid of them try Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Loition for Stretch Marks and use it daily to reduce the appear of the stretch marks.

Can breast sucking by your boyfriend leave you stretch marks?

No. Stretch marks come from skin expanding too rapidly, which doesn't happen in the scenario you describe.

Is it possible to get stretch marks three weeks into pregnancy?

Hi It's possible if you have gained weight and this will make it more likely for you to have stretch marks.