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If a couple of drinks make you feel better, no harm. Getting drunk: always harmful, especially since it will cause you to become dehydrated and prevent your body from absorbing the nutrients from food that it needs to help fight off the infection.

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No, beer alone will not cure a cold, and in larger (i.e. more than one a day) amounts will probably hinder the body's ability to fight iff the infection.

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Q: Drinking alcohol with a cold
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When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.

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First, wine is alcohol. So drinking alcohol is no different than drinking wine.

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A bibation is an act of drinking, especially alcohol.

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No. you wont catch a cold due to quitting alcohol cold turkey. Youre immune system may be compromised due to drinking, You may be able to notice other physical things more easily, due to being sober. Your body may need some adjustment time, and if you are a heavy drinker, you should seek medical attention before quitting alcohol. Heavy drinking is classified as more than 2ce a week. If drinking heavily or alcoholically, the body is liable to suffer from D.T.s or Delirium Tremens. This needs medical attention.

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Drinking alcohol is called ethanol, and it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (C6H5OH)

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