If you've been spotting it really means you're pregnant.
78% good luck
your pregnant.
Its not cancer. mine hurts when i push everywhere. try laying down and pushing on your stomach, ovary,and lower abdemin whence your better. if it hurts then you have an infection
if i spot after my period does that mean im pregnant
sometimes when your sick, your lower stomach hurts or because you've been exercising your abs a lot. most likely is, if your a girl, that its cramps from your time of the month
Doggy style
If your stomach is hard nine weeks after period you are probably either pregnant or blood is filling up in your stomach
They begin to get upset at their handeler, and develop a lower stomach
You do not get pregnant in your stomach. If your stomach is cramping it would be something you ate or a virus. If you don't feel better in a day or so, or if you start vomiting or have severe diarrhea, see a doctor.Pregnancy occurs in your uterus, which is much lower in your abdomen than your stomach. It's down in the lower intestine area.