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Hello - The cervical mucus becomes more consitent and more regular and the amount you lose increases every few days.

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Q: Does your vaginal fluid change when you are pregnant?
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Related questions

What kind of fluid is discharged if you are pregnant?

Clear Vaginal Mucus

Does your vaginal fluid taste different when you're pregnant?

No, it doesn't.

Can women get pregnant from woman's vaginal fluid?

No, women cannot get pregnant from another woman's vaginal fluid. Pregnancy can occur when sperm fertilizes an egg, and this typically requires semen from a male partner.

Do women make white vaginal fluid during sexual activity?

Sometimes, especially if they are pregnant.

Can you change the smell of a woman's vaginal fluid?

Usually the diet is the prime factor in the smell.

Can you get pregnant right after vaginal infertility?

If you are infertile you can not get pregnant and I'm not sure what you mean by vaginal infertility. When you have your period you can get pregnant too although it is rare.

You think you may be pregnant but you have this white liquid coming out of you can you be pregnant?

Yes. but your vaginal lubrication fluid color normally ranges from clear to milky. The color does not indicate whether you are pregnant or not.

What is the medical term for female vaginal fluid?

The medical term for female vaginal fluid is cervical mucus.

If a woman have less vaginal fluid or light fluid is she cheating?


Can you get vaginal discharge and get pregrant?

Having vaginal discharge does not prevent you from getting pregnant. It will not expel the sperm. It is not a way to determine whether or not you are pregnant. You can have discharge at any time, pregnant or not.

Can females with vaginal discharge get pregnant and deliver normal baby?

Every woman has vaginal discharge. It is mroe noticeable when pregnant. Yes you can have a normal healthy baby when having vaginal discharge.

Should your vagina feel like its stretching at 30 weeks pregnant?

it is a natural change in vaginal external skin during pregnancy.